Dominican Republic

Name of law: Ley General de Libre Acceso a la Información Pública, No. 200-04
First adopted: 2004
Last modified: n/a
RTI Rating last updated: n/a


The Dominican Republic ranks in the bottom half of the global rankings with its poor RTI law. In particular, they lost significant points for not having an administrative appeal body. Normally in these instances, we contact local experts to find out more about the country's internal systems, to determine whether the structure of their judicial appeals process warrants some points. However, because in this case, we did not have a local expert's assistance, they scored zeroes in this section. As a result, the score may be 5-6 points lower than it should be, though the inaccessibility of this information is problematic in itself. This caveat in no way absolves the legal regime of its major enumerated problems, including a weak promotional structure and the lack of harm tests or a strong public interest override in its exception regime.